Hands of Sage Welcome to the Tea Tribe
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The Clean Start Deluxe


*VRok Fitness Approved*
Digestive issues? This is for YOU!

This program is perfect for everyone's lifestyle, no matter where you are at in your current wellness journey! Our blends are created with the highest quality, premium loose leaf tea and lots of positive vibes to help you get the best results.

Sage’s Sangria the full body detox, combined with the Bifidophilus Flora Force probiotic, and Proactazyme Enzymes.Brings back the balance in your gut and over all body system.

Probiotics have been proven to:
Improves immune system function.
Helps promote intestinal health in children.
Supports the digestive and intestinal systems.

Proactazyme Are enzymes that enhance digestion and help break down proteins sugar starch and Fat to Eliminate gas bloating and indigestion